How Has America Become So Screwed Up?

It’s a serious blunt question that will be asked within the next 200+ years by further people across the world, as it looks back as America as it currently exists in 2024. “How Has America Become So Screwed Up?” is a topic that will have many books wrote about in the future. As I write, it’s the day after that ex-president Trump has gone to the USA Supreme Court in order to gain total immunity for his presidential actions. It’s the day after, when college heads across America decided to send in cops, who then proceeded to beat up not only protesting students but news reporters and camera men. All this was over-watched by snipers placed on the top of school buildings. As I write, poll numbers float around the 50% mark regarding supposed public support for ex-president to become Oval Office holder once again.

To more sane people, it seems crazy that so many others of a nation would still support a convicted criminal who has defrauded workers, a cancer charity, banks and individual people. To more sane people, it seems crazy that so many others of a nation would still support a man that treats women as trash, as sex objects to be physically “grab them by the pussy” mauled and then sexually assaulted. To more sane people, it seems crazy that so many others of a nation would still support a five times draft dodger who openly insulted previous solders who fought and died in the name of protecting freedom. 
To more sane people, it seems crazy that so many others of a nation would still support a unprofessional man that speaks like a blubbering five year old, that gets up every morning to trowel his face orange colour in deranged action, speaks in constant racist tones, habitually lies by the hour and uses a bible or religion either as a vote gainer or as a means to attack other citizens – including even children of judges who he also openly viciously attacks while inciting others to do same also. To more sane people, it seems crazy that so many others of a nation would still support a Billionaire that is consistently grifting off the poorest people of America for their last few dollars – and they sheepishly keep giving it. To more sane people, it seems crazy that so many others of a nation would still support a man that tried to overthrow the American government, have his thug fans invade state buildings, stall sending in police and stall in hope that such an insurrection might succeed – and then later speak about pardoning the thugs that also attacked honourable police trying to protect American buildings of democracy!
Many sane people are asking “At what point should have Trump been much earlier been called to order for his ever increasing lunatic, raging raving actions and words of hate and incitement?
Since Trump first began his first campaign to enter Oval Office, his words spoken to get there sank to the poorest of professional levels than any other Oval Office candidates from any parties preceding him. That includes candidates from his own party in particular. His language when not being outright dirty, vulgar and disgusting, has also been consistently divisive, fabrication enhanced and a betrayal of what the founding fathers of America have prior stood for. His method of speaking and behaving, has been further adopted by others of equal low unprofessional calibre – who see him constantly get away with such – so feel they can more so do same. Many modern observers would agree that the era of Trump will be one that will be future looked back at with incredulity and exasperation. How could so many people who voted for his, get it so wrong at the ballot box!
Part of the answer there, is related to a prior existing man that Trump himself has also praised. Yes, we’re taking about Adolf Hitler. Donald Trump’s second White House chief of staff once tried to stop him praising Adolf Hitler in part by trying to convince the then president that Benito Mussolini, the Italian fascist dictator, was “a great guy in comparison”. “He said, ‘Well, but Hitler did some good things, ” the retired marine general John Kelly told Jim Sciutto of CNN in an interview. “I said, ‘Well, what?And he said, ‘Well, [Hitler] rebuilt the economy.
Hitler, like Trump, used tactics of greater pure hate creation, to crate a far larger “Us and them” – “They are all out to get us” – “They are nothing but animals” impositions, attitudes and outpourings – that then allowed greater fan numbers past or present, to go further forth and create their own greater havoc. All backed or turned a blind eye to, by a leader they looked up to, at the time. Trumps rantings about innocent immigrants who he claimed were “poisoning the blood” of the nation (LINK), are all too similar to words spoken about the previous world war two dictator that Trump praises (LINK) – and here too, he’s too much allowed by media and voters, to get away with this sort of bad crap too.
Truthfully, in the eyes of many others, Americans should have more put their foot down, along with decent media and said “Hang on a minute, let’s gets cut out the unprofessional, raving racist, Hitler methodology practises and get back to the realms of better professional behaviour“. Sadly, some people including too many GOP party members, were so far down a rabbit hole of their own making or a Trump one they ran into – not walked – that they were and are so deep down, they now cannot reverse back out of, for fear of losing votes and further corporate money from the likes of the NRA and companies that are big polluters, environment damage deniers and more. Money buys votes and the two two USA parties know it all too well. They must keep the corporate bucks coming in as donations, official ones and unofficial ones. The “America dream” has now transformed for many, via Trump, into the “American grift“.
The current chaos in America, is not all Trumps fault or indeed just down to cowardly or crazy members of the GOP, swilling deeper into their own mental point of lunacy and stupidity. No. The Democratic party could be accused of being equal to blame. Here’s some more hard truth. Both Trump and Biden are old. Many say both are now “too old” to be running for the Oval Office. Biden and his party is so busy ass-kissing to the state of Israel that he’s weekly, if not daily, ‘pulling his political punches’ to the point where Trump doesn’t need to attack him in order to gain votes, Biden and his party own sicking staunch support for a further nation committing mass genocidal acts, is causing Biden and his party to greater lose even more public support.
While the rest of the world watches Israel carrying out mass murders of 30,000+ people – 11,000+ of which is children alone, never also mind 60+ journalists too – the Democratic Party like the GOP, not only continue to turn a blind eye to much of it (while biased TV stations refuse to show or report a lot of their daily genocidal acts), in fact, both parties instead pass legislation so that a murdering foreign extremist government can gain even more billions of US Dollars, all alongside even more mass weapons of killing and mass destruction. It’s unbelievable sicking stuff on a global scale being done. Other nations who need America for various reasons, then do their own ass-kissing to America as they do this, while also ‘pulling their own punches‘, staying too silent and also they turning a blind eye.
Younger people in America, wiser people in America of all ages, better informed people of America beyond CNN (and similar political direction stations) and Fox news (and similar political direction stations) know more about the mass murdering’s and mass destruction of everything in Gaza. from hospitals, schools, colleges, shopping centres, entire living regions, even graveyards and beach fronts, all and more have been utterly destroyed as the Israel government continues its official and unofficial agenda to wipe out the region of Gaza, in order to far greater force out its inner people so that they can take more of the region for themselves.
All this is being vastly under-reported by aforementioned media networks because in large part, their political bias and the ass-kissing they do to the top parties they each selective favour. Israel itself, tries to deny that they agenda is one of forcing people out – but their own words are on record to be seen and heard – but these too are vastly under reported by the current USA government, by Biden, by Trump and by his own party too. Their own ass-kissing to Israel (for Jewish votes back in the USA) continues even though they are political opposites.
Israel is currently giving out – as is biased media and other external biased countries – about opposition use of “from the land to the sea“. They claim that this wording exposes that shouters of this sentence, is advocating the destruction of Israel from the land to the sea. Let’s even give Israel even the benefit of doubt on this and say “Possibly yes!” – however, what USA media along with with other world biased media is not bigger picture telling, is that Israel elected and religious figures have stated the same and similar when calling for the destruction of Gaza. Their own similar words are on record – but far, far less deliberate under-reported.
All this biased under-reporting, overreaching destruction and genocidal murdering actions, is further causing chaos in America and elsewhere. The divide between political elected and the public has grown wider. In America, add to this awareness, a now more spiteful rhetoric of hatred vastly enhanced by the antics of trumps, allowed too much got away with and further exacerbated by his own cult. thug insurrection followers, and we have a further destabilisation and dividing of state elected, a GOP that is constantly at war with its own members to boot – and a growing youth that is sock of cruelty at home and abroad. Cruelty enhanced by its very own elected who they feel, no longer represent them, their feelings or their wishes. Add to this mess, a Trump stacked Supreme Court that will now majority find a way to give him what he wants, as best possible, and the future of America is not looking bright at all. It’s heading down a dark hole of within border unrest, inner lashing out if Trump get back to the Oval office – who will then really up his dictator action antics. …Then America is really further screwed. The international knock-on effects of this, will have worldwide repercussions and likely reverberate for generations to come.
So what does America stand for now? A place where you can own a gun and fire it before you are allowed even drive on the roads or have an alcoholic drink? A place where rich presidents can break court rules, pay a piddling fine as if it were nothing, and ultimately get away with giving two fingers to courts and judges – while same time podium PR election spouting that they are for Law and order – as long as it suits their own agenda, of course.
Does America now stand for a genocidal state that they refuse see officially see or call as one, as what it is? Yes. American elected now stand by mass murderers who have far over-reacted against an original wrong act of violence in itself. America, through it’s own very quack dodgy elected, is a place that says it’s all for “The rights of the people” – while same time destroying rights to read books, destroying more and more female rights, destroying a person’s ability or right to vote – and much more to possible come if phase two of the Trump era is to further haunt the United States! “United” that is, for the moment…