America. A Reality Wake-Up Call.

WARNING: This post contains some straight talking and yes, at times, course words. If you feel you cannot handle it, STOP reading now. If you cannot stand to hear absolute truths, STOP reading now. If you cannot handle reading criticism of an evil person and his enablers, STOP reading now. . ALL INFORMATION ON THIS … Read more

How Has America Become So Screwed Up?

It’s a serious blunt question that will be asked within the next 200+ years by further people across the world, as it looks back as America as it currently exists in 2024. “How Has America Become So Screwed Up?” is a topic that will have many books wrote about in the future. As I write, … Read more

Signs From History For 2024 To Note!

It is often said that “Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it“. In 2024 it is clear that this situation still applies. As the USA presidential elections rolls nearer and the talk of democracy being under threat being mentioned, it’s important that we look back in history regarding threats to … Read more

Democracy Upgrade

  Give the Ireland long decades of corruption, greed, cronyism, nepotism, long needed legislation deliberate denied, other legislation deliberate delayed or stalled, poor accountability of elected when breaking laws, the “Conflicts of interest” acts in elected office, the insider deals, the abuse of our current democracy system, the behind closed door deals, the missing files, … Read more

A Dodgy Referendum

* I want to preface this post by stating that although I utterly dislike Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Green Party because of their own decades of still ongoing corruption, lies, u-turns, law breaking, operating double-standard, party member unaccountability and refusal to hold state others to court room account, traitor actions, undemocratic actions and more, … Read more

Trump. The Worst White House Boss Ever?

. People who have had the unfortunate time along with others, to work with Trump as he occupied the Oval Office for four years, have come out and stated that he must not be president again. In his four years of being resident, Trump created a lot of chaos, a lot of uncertainty, a lot … Read more

Facebook’s & Meta Gaza Censorship

A lot of people posting on Facebook and Instagram, both of which are owned by parent company “Meta”, are ahing their posts taken down. Facebook for example, using absurd excuses, have been caught repeatedly removing content that it bizzare objects to while other social media facilities are only quiet willing to share. when it comes … Read more

DFA Political Appointments

The state Department of Foreign Affairs is said to be not happy at all. They are angered by what they see as an increase in political appointments of high-profile ambassadors abroad. For example, one person, John Concannon. He was one of Leo’s Varadkar’s Strategic Communication Unit’s heads. This was a PR group setup to push … Read more

Far-Right Under Surveillance

For decades Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Labour and Green Party representatives completely ignored the rising of far-right groups in Europe. In Ireland, the parties also ignored their rising. They did this deliberately. The only thing that the four parties wanted to concentrate on, was Sinn Fein. At every waking moment on radio, in newspapers and … Read more