DFA Political Appointments

The state Department of Foreign Affairs is said to be not happy at all. They are angered by what they see as an increase in political appointments of high-profile ambassadors abroad. For example, one person, John Concannon. He was one of Leo’s Varadkar’s Strategic Communication Unit’s heads. This was a PR group setup to push … Read more

Far-Right Under Surveillance

For decades Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Labour and Green Party representatives completely ignored the rising of far-right groups in Europe. In Ireland, the parties also ignored their rising. They did this deliberately. The only thing that the four parties wanted to concentrate on, was Sinn Fein. At every waking moment on radio, in newspapers and … Read more

The Epstine Names

Jeffrey Epstine documents that have been unsealed, are starting to reveal very important names. Some will be familiar to people, some will not. It’s expected that in total, between 170 to 200 names will be revealed. The first batch of names numbers around 40. UK’s Prince Andrew is reported as already known to be listed. … Read more

A Scandal Continues

A national buried scandal exposed by founder of UnitedPeople. Now PR remasked under a new name. Same basic setup, same companies. Just PR re-titled. Same data abuses. Same illegal data transfering and exporting.   . SHORT VERSION OF PAST: In previous years (involving Fine Gael, Labour and Green Party) there was an invented racket called … Read more

Wallop – The Credit Card Tax

Starting off 2024 with under-reporting on in this case not reporting at all, comes the revamped government credit card tax charges. On January the first, consumers that have bank accounts and as such, possess a credit card, are to be hit with the annual government money grab for their just having such an item in … Read more

RTEcensored is a thing

The vast majority of people who gain their Ireland news, in bulk gather it around six or nine o’clock. Most are also unaware that RTE, other national news outlets and local media decide to not report matters – or in possible clear bias, deliberately under-report matters. They do this so that a persons view on … Read more

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The Clear And Graphic website has been repurposed to bring people news that other newspapers are declining to share.