America. A Reality Wake-Up Call.

  • WARNING: This post contains some straight talking and yes, at times, course words. If you feel you cannot handle it, STOP reading now. If you cannot stand to hear absolute truths, STOP reading now. If you cannot handle reading criticism of an evil person and his enablers, STOP reading now.



Over the last few weeks, the level of absolute crap that has been spoken, printed and inferred by people and media outlets in the world, has increased to surreal levels. It would be impossible to list them all but in this post, I shall be referring to a number of them just as examples..

As you can correctly guess, I am not a Trump supporter. I have not become a member of his cult. I have not swallowed his ever continuing crap. I have seen the elderly corrupt, unfaithful husband, fraud and sex criminal for what he is and more. I refuse to wear blinkers like many of his cult and the absolute idiots of the GOP. Frankly, I find it staggering that so many millions of American people have been utterly, completely stupid as to fall for his continuous mental lies and crazy crap.

January 20th 2025 marks a very dark day in American history. It will be a day that there will be no reversal on. By that I mean, the clock of time will not be able to be reversed in order to make it not ever happen as it will (or as it did, if you are reading this post after the 20th). The 20th will go down in American and world history as a perfect example of “Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.

Let me say from this outset that BOTH political parties of America that are the Democrats and the Republicans, are equally guilty of many things including war crimes, own acts of genocide and much more. Neither of the parties have clean hands. Each has blood on their hands due to past immoral and often illegal acts. That stated, the re-election of Trump has taken matters off to a far higher level of craziness, off the scale of any previous president of either major parties – and many didn’t even think that this was possible – but sadly, it is. One quick simple and plain obvious example? He tried by oral inflaming, to instigate an overthrow of a government. He tried to initiate a coup.

So, we need to get the record straight about a number of things.
In truth, many things… They can be all summarised by saying that Donald Trump without question, has been and will be, the worst American president in the history of the United States of America. The many facts that stand against him already, exposes this in a flash to the non-stupid, non-blinkered, non-cult brainwashed, the educated, the critical thinkers and the honest questioners of the world. Another thing to get straight, is that Trump won by a 1.5% majority of voters of America (compared to K.Harris total). Of all that total voted in America, he got 1.5% more of the public vote. So, when the multi-convicted criminal/felon outrageously claims, outrageous again lies, that he has an overwhelming mandate from the people of America, it’s complete utter rubbish. It’s one more whopping great lie. It’s what Donald Trump, sex criminal, rapist, fraudster, grifter, unfaithful husband, third level college and children’s cancer charity rip-off exploiter, does best.

In weeks, years and possibly even centuries to come, the question will be asked “How did so many people become so gullible and stupid, as to them select an absolute evil criminal as their representative?” In truth, there are a number of complex answers. In short – complete utter stupidity and complacency, as could be found to present when people that existed pre-1939 within Germany, voted for their own then mental evil crackpot. Yes, history has repeated itself, which is glaringly obvious to the non-stupid or better informed.

The evil deeds of the modern crackpot are long. HERE is a link to a page that ONLY lists SOME of them. That page is only a scratch of a far deeper surface. Even through it is still a mere scratch, it’s staggering that the people within the 2024/2025 GOP setup, are willing to wear their own blinkers and then continuous lie and look the other way regarding a lot of stuff, for the evil person that the mere facts center around!


However, this post is ultimately not about bashing an evil man that gets up every morning to paint his face orange with a possible builders trowel. This post is an attempt to correct just some matters that others have been putting out into the world for their own sick and twisted agenda. So, lets get to it.

    • Without question, CNN as a media outlet, is a biased station. This cannot be argued with. Anyone that says it’s not biased, is an absolute idiot. On the other hand, anyone that espouses that Fox News is the bastion of truth and non-biased news, well they are absolute idiots/liars too. Both TV stations alone, are biased as hell – and like others in America in particular – have decided to abandon non-impartial reporting by the bucketload, to say the least. Anyone from any Democrat or Republican side of political debate, that says their own biased network is the ultimate source of good reporting and unbiased representation of facts, is either (a) one of the biggest fools in the world or (b) spouting such crap because of their own favouring of one party or the other. Fox news (and others like it) are just as bad as CNN, if at times, much worse too. Some in support of the Republican Party, are even far worse. In fact, there are a hell of a lot more biased stations who advocate for the Republicans, than for the Democrats. Yes, CNN is still biased as hell towards the Democrats Party.
      How has this all come about? Republican ex-president Regan biased scrapped a previous existing piece of American legislation. It was called “The Fairness Doctrine“. This alone, has massively helped America to where it is today. The Fairness Doctrine didn’t prevent lying by anyone -but it did allow rebuttals to take place to any slandering’s or lies stated. Many Republican owners of broadcast companies were conservative, and they felt the Fairness Doctrine was unfair to them and their ability to spin their own point of view without having someone rebuttal them. How dare their news spinning be challenged! They could have that  – so they complained to their Republican mate, Regan, who then did them a massive favour by dumping the Fairness Doctrine. since then, American news, care of biased stations on two sides have been a complete disgrace. Fox news in particular, is laughed at by billions around the world, for it’s daily lies, massive stupid statements by very dumb uneducated presenters and biased interviewers that only spin Trump lies to this day.
      Fox News is so biased, that far better media laws that exist in Canada, have kept out the outrageous station because it’s unwilling to be unbiased in its ability to operate.  The overall solution that America needs here, is a modern updated version of the Fairness Doctrine – but the billionaires that own the TV networks, will see to it (through political antics) that this will never be allowed to occur, through applied bribes, political pressure and attacks made against anyone that decides to push for better decent media laws. On this matter alone, for years or decades into the future, America will remain screwed and its public will remain biased dosed with daily lies and disgraceful TV presentations from cast or people they then interview.

    • Many have heard absolute idiots spouting that one of presidents Biden’s biggest mistakes in office, was his  solo started withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. If non-lazy, non-stupid people of the world actually bother to check facts (times/dates/etc), they will in fact discover that it was Trump himself started that ball rolling – SEE HERE – and started the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan during his previous term in office. We haven’t even got to his releasing of over 5,000+ Taliban, who then went on to destroy a nation. attack other nations, and take Afghanistan back centuries, increasing female rights oppression.
      The disastrous way that he ordered the Afghanistan withdrawal and then implemented it, will go down in history as one of the most craziest lack-of-planning operations that was ever carried out by any president. It’s no wonder that the GOP decided along with Trump, to shift total blame onto the next incoming president (that was Biden) so that Trump and the Republicans could escape any voter wrath. If something is stated over and over, eventually some people will start to believe the repeated stated – Trump is on record himself, stating this – even if it’s still total crap – and this is what Trump/GOP has done, then some voters swallowed their PR stated lies.
    • When there was some regular semblances of decent honesty and critical thinking on some social media outlets – before the Musk takeover of Twitter*, while some truths were stretched and twisted at times, at core there was still some truths in what was being stated. Post-Musk takeover of Twitter and he taking a wrecking-ball to how the internet service worked, operated in rule and destroying the company by mass sackings, many truths then died a thousand (and more) death. Open lies were allowed stand and often on a rare occasion when an international media outlet exposed posted lies or a court case might ensue, only them did many posted lies be removed – after a while – reluctantly with a crap load of poor excuses coming from the made worse Twitter.

      Other social media outlets saw Twitter doing a lot of crap or allowing a lot of crap – and mass getting away with it – so they joined in to great extend, lowering their own truth values and besides lies being shared, also like Twitter, allowed a lot of daily wrong or inaccurate slandering’s to be posed and remain online too. Why did some social media owners cave to Trump’s way of allowed lying, operating? They likely sought to pay fealty to him, ran scared of him because he was gaining power again, this time with greater immunity, or were just as stupid as him and his own “Truthsocial” outlet that is a bastion of lies and mental craziness.
      * Many still call it “Twitter”. Many refuse to call it “X“. Musk’s name rebranding has to go down in history as one of the worst ever, stupidest re-marketing attempts to be even tried. An unnecessary, complete disaster.


 Trump – “He Gets The Job Done!” 

Cult fans of Trump constantly claim that he gets everything done that he says he will do. To say this claim is false, is an understatement. His inability to tackle spoken matters and jobs he was meant to do, its been stated as even cost lives – and much more. For example, a few sample failures, of which there are loads to choose from:

    • Medical and other professionals state that Trump’s handling of the Covid pandemic, including his erratic, stupid statements, inconsistent messaging and downplaying the severity of the virus early on, contributed to preventable deaths and confusion to the tune of unnecessary millions of deaths. The fact that he was also giving medial stock to Putin over the needs of his own people back home, is regards by millions as Trump spectacular failing to care for people in America. Other have also called him a traitor for his much media buried (Fox News and other biased stations). exporting antics.

    • Despite many ranting promises to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), his administration was previously unable to pass any comprehensive alternative. At no stage in the previous four years did he come up with even the notion of anything better – and heading into his second administration, it appears he still hasn’t got a clue. He has massively failed to keep his promise on previous stated matters and massive failed to come up with any alternative, decent or otherwise!

    • For more than four previous years, Trump frequently promised a major infrastructure overhaul. Not only has there been no physically resulting action, but also, once in first four year term, he completely failed to pass relevant or any significant legislation to achieve it.

    • Border Wall Funding: A constant raving claim by Trump to build a wall across the Southern border of America, very minor parts (Trump’s administration built 52 miles of new main primary border barriers – LINK) of actual border wall were constructed. Trump did not fulfill his constant promise to have any decent length of extensive wall constructed. Everything else was either addons and/or replacement parts for what was already built. Trump decided to PR spin all this – as he always does. As a bonus failure, he also completely failed to get Mexico to pay for it. Something he daftly claimed would happen too. Double failure.
    • Having decided previously to have a trade war with China, experienced professionals who are far more experienced, knowledgeable and versed in the day to day American food business, have all reached a similar conclusion. Trump’s trade war hurt American farmers and consumers without achieving significant changes in China’s trade practices. His promise to economic help American farmers here too, has massive failed – leaving them worse off instead. Trump has also failed in protecting them from seed corporations who sue individual farmers over the stupidest of things, like corporation seed that might blow onto a farmers land from another separate company plot growing elsewhere.
    • Claiming that he would solve the national debt of America in his first term, this crazy claim not only failed but Trump succeeded beating every other living and deceased president in making matters far, far worse. The national debt increased by approximately $7.8 trillion during his presidency, partly due to tax cuts (looking after his business mates as usual) and increased spending where he could also possible gain financial or even political advantage.
    • North Korea Denuclearisation: Despite high-profile meetings with Kim Jong-un – his now “friend”, no progress was made toward North Korea’s denuclearisation. Trump here too failed completely.
    • Despite pledges to reduce corruption and “drain the swamp,” Trump faced past and still present criticism for appointing lobbyists and wealthy insiders to key positions. Money donated in fealty still talks it seems. Rather than drain a swamp of possible corruption, it might be huge stated that Trump has (a) not only failed to address the swamp – but (b) made the damn thing much bigger by his own personal White House antics. He failed to address corruption. He just made it far worse The facts speak for themselves. Sample link HERE. Times, dates, places, people, documentation and more all for the non-brainwashed to uncover. Others have mass reported same.

    • Promised manufacturing revival: While some manufacturing jobs were added, Trumps policies did not lead to the promised resurgence. In fact, on detailed independent examination, more so, certain industries continuing to decline even greater. The losses were far greater than any small gains that Trump immediately tried to spin as mass numbers. the unemployment numbers on record, speak for themselves during his term. The economy lost 2.7 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.7 percentage points to 6.4%. LINK
      All Can Be Verified.


    • One of the biggest lies consistently told by American media and politicians, is that “America is the greatest nation in the world.” I’m sorry – but that is absolutely inaccurate. Some might say “Complete rubbish!” Let’s be clear. Many rightly see the U.S. as a land of opportunity, innovation, and cultural influence. It leads in areas like technology, entertainment, and scientific research without a doubt. When it comes to scientific research and technology, sadly some of it (largely unreported by biased media) is confined, restricted and even held back by private enterprises and companies, even state departments that operate over areas that are not making known innovations that would challenge oil or gas power company monopolies but that’s a whole big issue itself. Why is America also – in some ways – not the greatest nation in the world? Here are just a few reasons.
      ONE: The U.S. is one of the largest contributors to global carbon emissions and has faced criticism for withdrawing (under Trump) from and rejoining (under Biden) international climate agreements.
      TWO: Investment in sustainable energy and environmental protections often lags way behind other nations. Again, some big company powers can’t be having their company monopolies challenged!
      THREE: America faces challenges with systemic engrained racism, never-ending gun violence, and mass incarceration, with the highest incarceration rate in the world.
      FOUR: Social safety nets, such as paid parental leave, sickness pay, holiday pay and universal childcare, are not only quoted as “less robust” compared to other developed nations, but they are an unmitigated international disgrace. What little there is, is kept to a bare minimum by the biggest capitalist country in the world. In other words, it’s all about elitist and corporate “profit” care, not “people” care.
      FIVE: College affordability and student debt systems of repayment remain an absolute disgrace. Such is the diabolical payment back methods of loaning institutions, a person can be paying back for decades and still not have cleared off the vast majority of original money borrowed. It’s all (again) about massive profits for a small elite – and dare anyone challenge this (or other setups), then the bought/money lobbied politicians/courts are coming down in favour of the corporations.
      SIX: Despite Democrats trying to spend more on education and staff, the U.S. ranks way lower in global assessments of math, science, and reading compared to other developed countries. The low reading levels of many Americans is a further international disgrace. The fact that Republicans (many who wants to keep the masses dumbed down for their own exploitation) then want to further attack educational institutions (because it’s easier to brainwash/fool/lie to less educated and they know it), only makes matter far more worse. People that don’t have good reading skills, don’t have good critical thinking skills – so can be far easier manipulated.
      FACT – Half of USA adults read at the level of a fifth grade child.
      FACT – More than a fifth (22%), read at the level of an eight year old (3rd grader).
      FACT – In the USA (3300+ in total) counties that have no local newspaper and there are hundreds out of which have none, Trump’s margin of victory was in the region of 80% to 90%. They were not reading critical examination news articles – and just relying on TV/radio dumbed-down PR pitches of Trump – who told them what they wanted to hear! They massively fell for it.
      SEVEN: When it comes to workers allowed holidays, due to business demands that workers be exploited as possible, workers get bugger all holidays in America. In fact, one in four Americans get zero paid vacation time. Add to this, a lack of policy around special types of leave like parental leave or sick/mental health leave – and you find out that workers are really left screwed by business owners and bosses in comparison to the rest of world modern countries.  Why so many American workers put up with this crap, is bewildering! The rest of the modern world states look at the massive complacency of Americans who refuse to object and/or protest, and come to a conclusion that if they won’t even stand up for themselves, how can they ever expect to be treated far better! They allow themselves to be screwed in amount of days off, and with or without pay. It’s simply mind blowing to the rest of the modern world.

      EIGHT: America day to day, is all about “Profit” – and this includes nearly everything medical. People are genuinely afraid to get sick, even over the smallest of things. Getting sick means the person is likely going to be out possible serious amounts of money. Despite having paid a mountain of taxes already, the American people get bugger all in return from their overall government and individual states. Whenever any form of decent health care system is tried introduced or improved such as Obama-care, etc, the Republicans’ Party (backed by big medical businesses that are bunging money into the party and its representatives so they are looked after in first preference) then scream about such ideas being “communist”, “socialism” and anything they can claim is a “Left-wing agenda“. It’s more complete rubbish. Here’s simply why!
      What the Republicans’ Party does not want the citizens of America to really cop, is that many of the states that have even a better modicum of better state health care, are in fact, often more right-wing states than not. The vast majority of them are also capitalist states just like America. They just simply have known for a long time that if the people are cared for, the people helps better keep their country going far more.
      The likes of Fox News and others equally biased, completely leave such glaring facts out of their PR party propaganda on purpose, in effort to leave Americans unaware just how much they are being left dumbed down and thus by taxation, further completely financially exploited. All this is before we even get to the many medical insurance rackets that promise to cover everything – until a claim is tried and denied many times over – that then has lead to the deaths of millions since the foundation of modern America as a country. Universal health care is (a) not a radical idea at all, but a long existing one and (b) it’s an idea that’s been long adopted by other right-wing capitalist states – who recognise that greater healthier people equal far greater profits for companies, if only for one whopping bug reason, because their staff are quicker back to work and staff retention of those with skills businesses don’t want to lose, are then much easier to keep! Go figure!

      Meanwhile, back in the good old USA… Millions of Americans lack health insurance (because they also cannot even afford this) or face crippling medical debt from having to tap for everything yet again. getting extremely far less in return for a life time of paying taxes. Trump starting off in 2025, wants to cut down even more what Americans are barely getting, while at the same time, looking to give tax cuts, huge ones, to his fellow business mates – and 51.5% of American voters voted for this absolute craziness. Again, staggeringly stupid stuff.


    • Without question among all independent, foreign and domestic accountants and financial professionals, the little stated details agenda that Trump/GOP has reluctantly bothered to mention, will in fact make matter far worse for the United States of America.  Trump’s unsustainable and frankly, crazy economic agenda, will give his billionaire buddies and major corporations a huge tax break. It will further privatise social security after cutting he and his GOP cabal cut the hell out of it – leaving millions of Americans further up the creek – , along with even further cut health care for millions of people with pre-existing medical conditions, it will raise every day costs and create an “inflation bomb” that will explode if not within four years, will soon thereafter. Remember this date – as when it does in the future, don’t even attempt to then swallow Trump of the later GOP crap that the cause is later down to a future president. I AM TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW THAT IT’S PREDICABLE FROM THE VERY ACTIONS OF TRUMP AND HIS 2025 TERM. The inflation bomb will be just one more disastrous legacy of the absolute mental trash that is Trump and the GOP – his spineless, stupid enablers.

      The status and economy of America by far, has been vastly improved under the control of the democrats and Biden. The facts speak for themselves. The knock-on effects of the progressions made by Obama/Biden, will in fact – if left alone – reverberate for years, even decades to come, if non-interfered with by Trump. However, the non-stupid know that Trump is out to look after those that have looked after him – so he will indeed again reward the money givers and powerful, while yet again seeing the average citizen screwed or stabbed quietly in the back. He’s already rolling back on previous promises and flip-flipping of prior stated positions. All before he even gets into official office again. Anything good that will roll on, into his own term, he will absolutely take credit for. It’s what he still does, and has done previously.

    • Social media double-standards from Republican cultists? We have at present, Trump and GOP fanatics ranting that social media outlets such as Bluesky, have turned into “left-wing” setups. To be fair and honest, there are a great number of people on Bluesky (and Tribal or Mastodon too) that have that side political leaning. To be more fair, there are also others on same services that have different views. What is also true, is that Truthsocial, Twitter and possibly now even Facebook, has most certainly gone over to the more extreme right-wing side of political views expressed. The owners of these three services have either expressed their own right-wing views or have paid money (fealty) to a growing extreme right-wing sex criminal and/or the political party he currently uses as a means to his own end (which is in part, a way to stay out of prison).
      Either way, Truthsocial and Twitter have most definitely got extremely toxic. Daily posted slanderings and vicious attacks continue to be posted and allowed to remain posted on the two nasty services. It will come as no surprise to anyone of intelligence or anyone capable of understanding, that those being attacked, or many of those seeing such attacks have individually concluded that Truthsocial and Twitter are places they no longer want to be associated with. To date, in the last few months, 25+ million people have abandoned Twitter alone. Entire international news organisations and companies have additionally pulled out of Twitter. They all continue to do so. Officially, some claim that their leaving is down to growing non-effectiveness of the service in reaching others. There is truth in this. Some however, are simply getting away from extremely toxic, Trump sycophantic services because they simply want nothing to do with same, nor give any form of further support to the worldwide perceived toxic outlets.

      With so many leaving, again to the non-stupid, it would make sense to see that the leavers to great extent, would go elsewhere instead. You know, to a place that is less toxic, better run, allows general free speech but is better overlooked so that posters are not personally attacking one another in insult or troll-like behaviour. So, the likes of Bluesky (and others) then become more massive uptaken by those seeking a safer and better run service. The escapers of Truthsocial and Twitter have transferred their allegiance to better run apps and services.
      So, this is where the world is now. The toxic, extreme right-wing, still service users of Truthsocial and Twitter, are complaining (ranting/moaning) that other services such as Bluesky have become repositories of left-wing views. To the non-stupid, it’s obvious why. People with such views, who had rapidly grown tired of open nastiness elsewhere, moved away and rested in new, more moderate behaving, better places. The extreme right-wing ranters within their own echo-chambers, complain that Bluesky and others, have become, you guessed it, echo-chambers. Again, even if this is the case – and it’s a possibility, it’s still obvious why. It’s a case of the extreme right-wing being “Pots calling the kettle black!”  The extreme right-wing hypocrisy continues as the same extreme right-wingers see their own echo-chambers declining in daily number basis. They are certainly not happy about this either – so part of their lashing out their bitterness, is still only increasing for the present time. They cannot seem or want, to grasp two basic concepts – (a) they reap from what they sow and (b) they are their own worst enemy. The non-stupid will of course, completely see and then understand all this.
    • The hands of a rapist are going into the Oval Office on January 20th, 2025. As much as rapist Trump will deny this, his New York conviction will affirm this. Under new York state law, any part of a body that has been forced into another persons body – against the victims permission or even knowing – is a form of body rape in law. so, when sex convicted criminal Trump did indeed force parts of himself into a woman (and there are other women who are also saying the same thing happened to them, care of Trump), his hands that entered the lower parts of a victim’s body, are the same hands that world leaders have been shaking and will sickeningly be shaking, after January 20th. Just how many more politicians around the world will want to be caught on camera, forever photographed, touching a body part that has raped a woman victim, remains to be seen. Some will definitely shake his hand behind closed door – but will actively make sure it’s never caught on any camera. It would be a PR disaster for some, or a valuable PR weapon for political opposition – and all know it. Has your country or local elected been shaking the hands that raped the inside of at least one female victim? A Google image search or similar, will quickly tell you. Just enter into the search box “shake hands Donald Trump” and the name of your country.
    • Trump’s Treasury nominee stating “extending” Trump’s tax handouts for billionaires is their TOP priority: “This is the single most important economic issue of the day.” Trump and GOP cult showing who they REALLY care about – and it’s not the average American. Do this poor and middle-class voters want to hear this? No. They reject it – even when Trump and GOP are openly blatant about it.

      Why did the Washington Post apologise to Donald Trump, a convicted sex criminal, for morally correct and legally correct, stating that he had raped a woman – and as a further bonus, gifted him $100 Million dollars? Some reasons we might never know – but anyone bending their knee or caving to a sex criminal can certainly be open to an accusation of (a) running scared of him, (b) willing to support and stand by him or (c) willing to sickeningly grovel to a multi-convicted criminal felon for own gain?
  • ESSENTIAL LISTENING. A three hour podcast with a Pulitzer book winner, an investigative journalist and a show that contains many Trump related horrifying facts. The two show episodes here, were shared to Youtube – but they then decided to mysteriously take it off its servers, not allowing it to be aired through their business. Censorship in fealty to Donald Trump, a sex ands fraud criminal? They will of course, deny it. The show is instead, now also shared HERE and HERE. Stuff Youtube and their censorship of truth!